Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hello, Iam Zahra =)

I was responsiable of teaching my collegues about Google Documents.

Throughout the 12 years i have been studying in school, most of the time we had the lesson delievered to us. Teach: "Ok students open the book page 36, today's lesson is about .. and so on". Sometimes we would be carried aways with our oen thoughts!

A new teaching method should be enhanced! A way that will break the normal routine, and actually allow the students to be envolved.

I found Google project was totally a break of the routine. I got to learn about totally new topics!

I did know that Google provides various of tool, such as {search, images, .. } but never knoew it had many many tools! and we call ourselves technological people!

i had to start from scratch, i did not know about Google Documents i had to learn all about it, its tabs, options and toold everything. This had to be taught to other girls.

In my opinion i believe that this method allows the information to actually stay in your mind for a long long time. After all, delivering a lesson is not as usefull as sitting and getting the lesson taught to you.

I got benefited from the feed back as well. I got to know my weaknesses point and my strenghtes as well. The feedback was not a dissapointing. I was flatterned with the streanghts that i had, but i needed to work more on the weaknesses point, such as {dividing the time suffeciantly}

One last thing to add, one thing i am worried about is, if we get tested on the topics i am worry that we do not get the handouts from the girls.

Lastly i believe that most students if not all of them got benefited from doing a lesson themselves. :)



  1. Excellent reflection! By the way, the "teach to Learn" concept has been around for more than 2000 years.

  2. Thank you sir,
    Yeah am sure it is and old concept!
    But it is never enhanced intesivly in our studies, espically school days :)
